Thursday, June 5, 2008


Taylors Business School had "Young Entrepreneurs Day" today (5/6/08). Basically, it's for business students to practice their Marketing skills? i dont know. Money goes to charity. Each class has to open a stall, with ideas on what to sell. When i reached college, Jonathan told me that they are having this "Pro evolution soccer" (PS2) competition. I was like woahhhhh, and joined for 10 bucks(that's one). Best part was, I got kicked out, first round on penalties -.- what was i thinking ?!. Anyways, Our theme was "football", so we wore jerseys. We sold food food food food, drinks drinks, twister lmao. And we named them according to football players, "Lampard's rojak, Beckham's twister, Drogba's fishballs, etc etc". Something like that hahaha. Marketing is in class 1.3's blood man.. Then, Class 1.1 did this dunking machine, and i couldn't resist as I could choose Karyn to be the victim. I was given 5 balls to throw. And i kept on missing. In the head, I was thinking to myself "You Idiot, 5 bucks for this shit". However, that all changed when I threw the fourth Ball hahahaha. Watching her fall straight down into the tub of water STRAIGHT ON THE ASS. woooooooooooooh dayummmmmm. ORGASMIC. :D Sorry la Karyn, Im still your bestfriend right? doesn't matter if you ain't anyways :P

"Karyn, your ass is grass!"



She came back from Singapore last night, and i couldn't stand it but to drive over to see her.. Went to Curve, till 1+ in the morning, walking around aimlessly, eventhough nothing was open hahaha..Honey, your absence was felt :( I Missed her more than i thought i would. Can't bear not having my bestfriend around to talk to. No more after this please!

Baskin Robbins, where we shared the ice cream, and I chose a flavour that tasted like Durian -.- BYTHEWAY.
Mel bought me a gift from Singapore, and guess what.


Super gila babi nothing to say man.