Monday, March 17, 2008


- You -
First Name - Joel
Name you wish you had - JOEL
What do people normally mistake your name as - joel
Birthday - 17th July 1990
Birthplace - KL
Time of Birth
- dont bother
Single or taken - Taken
Zodiac sign - Cancer

-Your Appearence-
How tall are you - 17+
Wish you were taller - 2 inches more
Eye color - dark brown
Eye color you want - light brown
Natural Hair color - black
Current Hair color - dark light brown
Short or long hair - Short
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - No
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - never
Glasses or contacts -contacts
Do you wear make-up - no
Ever had hair extensions - no
Paint your nails - no

-In the opposite gender-
What color eyes - dark brown
What color hair - black or brown
Shy or Outgoing - outgoing
Looks or personality - both
Sexy or Cute - sexy
Serious or Fun - both
Older or Younger than you - same age
A turn on - a gorgeous smile, height, ass, boobs, someone entertaining to talk to with a relative amount of sarcasm involved.
A turn off - short, fat, skinny, unladylike, curses, smoke.

-This or that-
Flowers or Chocolate - Chocolates
Pepsi or Coke - Coke
Rap or Rock - Rock
Relationship or One night stand - relationship
School or Work - school
Love or Money - love
Movies or Music - movies
Country or City - city
Sunny or Rainy days - sunny
Friends or Family - Loved ones =p

-Have you ever-
Lied - yes
Stole something - yes
Smoked - no
Hurt someone close to you - yes
Broke someone's heart - yes
Had your heart broken - yes
Wondered what was wrong with you -yes
Wish you were a prince/princess - no
Liked someone who was taken - yes
Shaved your head - no
Been in love - yes
Used chopsticks - yes
Sang in the mirror to yourself - yes

Flower - rose
Candy - anything
Song - The calling - anything
Scent - anything that's pleasing to my nose
Color - white
Movie - anything
Singer - no one in particular
Word - O my
Junk food -Pringles
Website -
Location - oceans, mountains etcetera
Animal - dog

Ever cried over someone - yes
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - nope
Do you think you're attractive - yes =)
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - i'm living my fairytale!
Do you play any sports - yes

The rules:-
Link to your tagger and post these rules.
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (8) people

1. I love melissa foong
2. I drink nescafe
3. I have solitary moments
4. Believes in faith
5. Finds the word Love a very strong word
6. Looking forward for college
7. I try to not curse
8. I love to Love

8 people I tag: I only want response from these 2 people =p

  1. Vinod
  2. Shawn