Monday, October 22, 2007

when God gives any man wealth and possessions
and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot.
Be happy in his work, this is a gift from God.
He seldom reflects on the days of his life,
because God keeps him occupied
with gladness in heart.

ecclesiastes 5 :19,20

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lifehouse - Blind

karmen keeps calling me vain but just see how full of herself she is.

C i C i says:
i have the most perfectest smile
C i C i says:


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

It's a TIE!

Which Friends Character Are You?

You are part Chandler. You're funny and that's why people like to have you around. You're also a great friend, and when someone you care about is in trouble, they know to come to you for some level-headed advice followed by some sharp sarcasm.
You are part Joey. You may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but you're unrivalled when it comes to the opposite sex. You're a great friend, going great lengths when needed. Remember: your friends are your lifeline and you'd better not leave them behind. Success will be hard to find without them around.
Find Your Character @

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Carl Thomas - My First Love

Question : Why do men fart more than women?
Answer : Because women won't shut up long enough to build up pressure.

Question : When does a woman enjoy a man's company?
Answer : When he owns it.

somewhere in a convo with zoe...

zoé : do me a favour ?
joel : get a life ?
zoé : uhm
zoé : take a book
joel : aaaaaaaannnnnnndddd
zoé : got the book ?
joel : yeah
joel : knockmyselfout?
zoé : and put it against your cheek
zoé : okayh?
joel : HUH WHY
zoé : just do it
zoé : i'll tell you why in a minute
joel : ok did
joel : then

credits to zoe...

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sick Puppies - All The Same

Have you ever wondered If you try to fail, and you succeed, which have you done?

TV series

The top 3 tv series in my list

and the best...


Monday, October 1, 2007


The Calling - Believing

I tried to study few nights ago. It was 9 at night, i was so determined and wanted to focus on just studying. So i made myself a cup of hot nescafe, and brought some muffins into my room(like 5 i think) and put on some soft music (boys like girls, mind you). So i opened my History text book(CHAPTER 1). As i was reading, *zz zzz zzz* ( my phone vibrates ). An i replied, and we kept chatting. While waiting for every reply, i continued reading my book.

So i was like singing the song in my heart, taking a bite of my muffin, a sip of nescafe, and my hands on the keypads, then read 1 line. After 45 minutes, as i was stretching..i saw an orange light below my desktop(a message from someone on msn). I opened it and replied. So at this point, i was like singing the song in my head, taking a bite of my muffin, a sip of nescafe, my hands on keypads and keyboard THEN read 1 line.

After an hour, i decided to watch some TV with my bro, cause MUMMY SAY STUDY 1 HOUR REST 10 MINUTES WHATTT. So, i went out and watched "Shes The Man". I watched the movie before, but watching it again was i dont know. It beats studying. So i told myself, after this movie STUDY again. So it was 11+ and i tried to study again...At this point, i felt sleepy, but NO i told myself I NEED TO STUDY. So as i was reading, i fell asleep on my chair just there. My mom woke me up and asked me to sleep properly. In the morning, i realised that I only read(past tense) 10 pages the whole night. Thanks for reading this lameass story. Goodbye